Forest Owlet photography at Tansa Forest by Jungle Buddies

Located on outskirts of Mumbai city is the famous wildlife sanctuary called Tansa. Considered to be the best place to observe & photograph, the endangered species Forest owlet (Heteroglaux blewitti ). 

Jungle Buddies hosted two forest trails on 25 & 26 December 2021 to Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary in the quest to find and observe the elusive owlet species. Forest Owlet which is famous for its shy nature, camouflaging skills and high alertness,  makes it a challenge to spot the bird in the forest. On Day 1, the owlet search made us hike through small hillocks and valleys and finally after a long 1 hr. search, we finally managed to spot it and photograph it.  While Day 1 was a tricky day for us leaders, Day 2 turned out to be full of surprises, where the owlet allowed us to observe the bird for quite some time and spotting the bird hardly took us 20-30 minutes. In all a successful completion of both tours with some happy memories for our travellers. 

eBird Checklist