Birds of Umbarli: A Feathered Adventure with Jungle Buddies Tours

Last Sunday, on 25th February, the Birds of Thane and Raigad District, a vibrant Facebook community of Jungle Buddies tours, organized a captivating free trail at Umbarli hills. Over 15 avid birders joined the excursion, setting the stage for a delightful day of birdwatching. The sightings commenced with the graceful flight of painted storks and a wooly necked stork, followed by enchanting encounters with the Indian Robin and oriental magpie robins.

As the group ventured into the grassland area, a white-eyed buzzard stole the spotlight, perched undisturbed for an extended period, offering everyone a close and leisurely observation. The avian diversity unfolded further, revealing Brahminy starlings, Spotted Doves, Laughing Doves, Scaly Breasted Munias, and Long-Tailed Shrikes. A distant Common Buzzard caught our attention, but its presence was short-lived as mischievous crows intervened.

A highlight of the day was the surprise sighting of three Eurasian Hoopoes, gracefully feeding on the burnt ground. With time, bird activity intensified, and the group was treated to sightings of close to 50 different species. The tour culminated in a memorable group photo, capturing the smiles and camaraderie of a day well-spent in the woods.

Ebird Checklist:

#Junglebuddiestours #BOTRD #Birding2024 #mumbaibirding

Free Birdwatching trail in mumbai

Join our next birding adventures with Jungle Buddies Tours in March 2024. Stay tuned to Jungle Buddies website – for more details.

3 Thoughts to “Birds of Umbarli: A Feathered Adventure with Jungle Buddies Tours”

  1. Makarand Vaidya

    It was a wonderful experience with nice spotting by Milind

  2. Makarand Vaidya

    It was a wonderful experience with nice spotting by Milind. Lotens Sunbird was also sighted towards end.

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