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Trip Report

On a drizzly morning of 16th July 2023, a group of 25 enthusiastic birdwatchers gathered at the Bhopar Grassland for a thrilling and educational free birdwatching trail organized by Birds of Thane and Raigad District, a community of Jungle Buddies.

The recent rains had transformed the grassland into a slushy terrain, making walking through the area a bit challenging. However, the determination to spot various bird species and the enthusiasm of the participants overcame the muddy obstacle.

A lot of common birds like Scaly Breasted Munias, Red Avadavats, Indian Robin, Red Wattled Lapwings were encountered during the trail. A flock of Malabar Starlings was also seen on the trees near the ground.

As the trail continued, we came upon a thriving nesting colony of baya weavers. The intricate and skilful nests woven by the male weavers caught everyone’s attention, showcasing nature’s architectural brilliance.

Amidst the bird sightings, a distinct and melodious call echoed through the grassland, which was identified as that of a Pied Cuckoo, a monsoon migrant to our region.

The final bird for the day was a shy and elusive Cinnamon Bittern which flew past us and could be seen for a minute at least.

Despite the wet conditions, the participants thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The birdwatching trail provided an excellent opportunity for both seasoned birdwatchers and newcomers to learn more about avian species and their habitats.

The trail ended with a mandatory group photo and smiles.

Ebird Checklist:聽https://ebird.org/checklist/S144729158


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