Birding Quest in Barvi Forest

Five eager birders set off on a thrilling adventure into Barvi Forest a tour hosted by Jungle Buddies Tour, all eyes peeled for the season’s prized sighting – the Indian Pitta.

Our exploration began with a flurry of colour! We spotted dazzling birds flitting through the trees, and the air vibrated with the calls of unseen creatures.

Following different trails, we stumbled upon a nesting pair of Black-hooted Orioles. Their presence filled us with excitement! The whispers of the elusive Indian Pitta reached our ears, but this shy bird remained cloaked in mystery.

Undeterred, we ventured onto a new path, determined to unlock the forest’s secrets. Our patience was finally tested, but just as doubt started to creep in, a flash of colour caught our eye. There they were – a pair of Indian Pittas!

These breathtaking birds offered a fleeting glimpse before disappearing once again. Despite the brief encounter, our journey continued, and along the way, we met a lively cast of feathered friends.

Indian Pitta Barvi

                                                                                              Photo Credits Esmail Samiwala 

After hours of exploring this vibrant wilderness, our persistence paid off in the most amazing way. We stumbled upon an Indian Pitta feeding in the open! Its stunning beauty held us captive, allowing us to observe and photograph this magnificent creature.

Beaming with joy and memories, we wrapped up our birdwatching expedition. Barvi Forest gifted us with a successful and unforgettable day, proving that patience and passion can lead to incredible encounters.

eBird Checklist –

Join us this June for more birding adventures with the Jungle Buddies Tour!!

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