Free Bird Walk at Satpool Wetlands !!

On the occasion of World Environment Day, Jungle Buddies hosted a free bird walk at Satpool Wetlands in Dombivli West. Early June is the best time to observe and photograph Watercock, a wetlands species that is active and breeding during the pre-monsoon season. Our goal was to observe this species in the wetlands. Over 15 participants attended the free bird walk, and we were fortunate to spot 3 Watercocks actively foraging in the wetlands. In addition to the watercock, we also encountered forest species such as the Indian Grey Hornbill, Yellow-footed Green Pigeon, Small Minivet, and the monsoon messenger, Pied Cuckoo, all the way from the African continent.

Free Bird Walk at Satpool Wetlands

Free Bird Walk at Satpool Wetlands

Overall, it was a very successful tour, and our happy travellers left great feedback, saying: “Amazing experience. It was my first time birdwatching; I had a great time. Looking forward to joining them more.”

eBird Checklist –

Photos Credits – Sandeep Rane & Prasad Iyer

Join our monsoon birding adventures with Jungle Buddies Tours this June Stay tuned to Jungle Buddies website for more details.

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