Fullday Pelagic Birding

Explore of the lesser-known habitats for birdwatching with Jungle Buddies in 2023. Get a chance to photograph a Masked Booby or a Skua mobbing a crested tern, all this and the deep-sea boating experience with some home cooked cuisine.



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About the birding site:

Located at a distance of 96 km from the heart of Mumbai city is the famous coastal town of Alibaug. The beaches and fresh seafood attract millions of Mumbaikars every year. From a bird watcher’s perspective, Alibaug is the perfect heaven for birders. The rich coastal belt attracts many shorebird species which are long-distance winter visitors, while the mountain range attracts many birds of prey and forest birds. 

What to Expect?

Pelagic birding is birding in deep sea to observe pelagic bird species. Pelagic birds are birds that spend a large portion of their lives on the open ocean. They can be found thousands of miles offshore but can get blown on to land during high winds and storms. The only other time they come inland is to breed.

Species you can come across Mumbai high sea are:
-Parasitic Jaeger (Arctic Skua) (Stercorarius parasiticus)
-Wilson’s Storm-Petrel (Oceanites oceanicus)
-Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra)
-Bridled Tern (Onychoprion anaethetus)
-Persian Shearwater (Puffinus persicus)
and many more 

What is the plan?
Meet Jungle Buddies Expert at Thal Jetty on 22 January around 5.00 AM.  After a quick introduction, we will board the boat with lifejacket and start our voyage into deep sea. For lunch we will do a pitstop at Khanderi Islands and then back in sea for another session. End the tour by 6.00 PM with a group selfie and the tour comes to an end with some happy memories with Jungle Buddies.

Before you Join read this

  • No Washrooms available on boat or on islands.
  • People with seasickness should not join.
  • Simple meals will be served on boat.
  • Boat is a fisherman’s boat, so don’t expect luxury services on tour.