Vasind Forest Night Birding

Vasind lies on the CST-Kasara railway line of central railway. Close to Mahuli, the area has vast stretches of shrublands and forests that extend and connect to forest of Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary on side and Murbad on the other side. This connectivity facilitates the movement of its wild denizens. Although not classified as protected these forests harbour a lot of wildlife that are also seen in the protected areas. We at Jungle Buddies bring to you an unique opportunity to experience the Bird life that is active after the sun goes down.




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About the birding site:

Vasind lies on the CST-Kasara railway line of central railway. Close to Mahuli, the area has vast stretches of shrublands and forests that extend and connect to forest of Tansa Wildlife Sanctuary on side and Murbad on the other side. This connectivity facilitates the movement of its wild denizens. Although not classified as protected these forests harbour a lot of wildlife that are also seen in the protected areas. We at Jungle Buddies bring to you an unique opportunity to experience the Bird life that is active after the sun goes down.

What to Expect?

Since it is a mix of Shrubland & Forest habitat, we would be expecting various nocturnal bird species like Savanna Nightjar, Jungle Nightjar, Jerdon’s Nightjar, Spotted Owlet, Mottled Wood Owl and Indian Scops Owl.

What is the plan? 

Meet Jungle Buddies Naturalist at 5.30 PM @ Titwala station. Reach the location by vehicles arranged by us. After a quick introduction about the tour, our naturalist shall take you to the forest habitat where you can explore the wildlife that is seen only at night. We will end the trail by 9 PM so that everyone reaches back home in time. End the tour with a group selfie and with some happy memories and a different experience with Jungle Buddies.

Date: 15 April 2023

Pricing: Rs.800/-

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