Summer Birding Adventure in Tansa with Jungle Buddies Tours!

Our Jungle Buddies birding tour to Tansa on April 7th was a fantastic experience, even though the weather was a bit cloudy. We were all hoping to see the elusive Forest Owlet, a special bird that lives in this forest.

Right off the bat, we spotted some adorable Grey Capped Pygmy Woodpeckers and lots of busy Petronias feeding in the dry fields. As we walked deeper into the forest, we saw Black Hooded Orioles chasing each other, which is a sign that breeding season is coming soon! We also heard the cool calls of Jungle Owlets echoing through the trees.

It got a little warmer in the afternoon, but the birds were still super active. We saw White Naped Woodpeckers, Purple Sunbirds, Lesser Goldenbacks, and even a majestic Indian Grey Hornbill soaring overhead.

Then, we reached a peaceful lake, and that’s where things got even more exciting! We spotted a bunch of amazing birds, including Openbill Storks, tiny Cinereous Tits, colourful Plum Headed Parakeets, White Bellied Drongos, and a stunning Indian Roller.

While we didn’t see the Forest Owlet this time, we got to see so many other cool birds in the forest that we were all happy by the end of the day. It was a great reminder of the amazing variety of birds that live right here in India!

For more birding action this summer, follow Jungle Buddies Tours on Instagram.

Last, but not least, stay hydrated this Summer!!

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